Descripción general
The Infrastructure Branch will work to restore and revitalize the County’s critical infrastructure to support a viable, sustainable community and improve resilience to and protection from future hazards and threats. This includes identifying infrastructure improvements we need to advocate for such as upgrades to water systems and treatment facilities, the electrical grid, transportation, and broadband.
Lead: Ryan Carter
David Cambrieri
Paul Clinghan
Dave Kistel
Bill Ribble
Rick Schooler
Mike Welch
Jason Sciandra
Steven Sarkozy
Ian Schmoyer
Mikes Maillakakis
Fred Edman
Linda Miller
Denise Vidal
Trish Lassiter
Preserving, hardening, and integrating redundant systems into critical infrastructure, such as water, power, transportation, communications, medical facilities, and sanitary infrastructure systems, while including a holistic approach to both public and private providers of services
Hardening critical facilities such as potable water systems, Emergency Operations Centers, emergency shelters, fire stations, and hospitals to ensure the first line of defense in an emergency is operational
Pre-disaster planning for supplies, evacuation, fuel, and shelter, especially for special needs during emergencies, and cascading points of failure of weak links, including reducing bottlenecks on evacuation routes during an emergency
Addressing increased shelter needs and return to normal operations for schools
Redundancy in infrastructure, systems, and partnerships, and sharing assets among jurisdictions and outside areas
Long-term improvements for livability